The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) enacted Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) in 2021, which required all community water systems to complete a water service line inventory by October 16, 2024. The objective of the water service line inventory is to determine if there are any lead pipes in the water distribution system.

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What is a Water Service Line?

The water service line is the pipe infrastructure that supplies water from Donner Summit Public Utility District’s (DSPUD) main to the customer’s building. This line begins at the main connection and connects to the building inlet. DSPUD operates and maintains the pipe from the main up to and including the water meter. The customer’s responsibility begins after the water meter and all the pipe downstream going towards the home. These water service lines can be made up of several materials such as lead, galvanized steel, copper, or plastic.

Illustration of water service line


In 2024 DSPUD examined historical records to determine the type of materials in the water service lines from the main to the meter box and from the meter box to the building inlet. The collected data was recorded in the water service lines inventory, which was submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board on October 15, 2024.

Water Service Line Inventory Summary

DSPUD did not find any lead or galvanized service lines in its service area, however there were many service laterals that DSPUD has not yet been able to identify the materials. The Water Service Lines Materials are summarized in the table below:

Service Line Material ClassificationNumber of Water System Owned Service LinesNumber of Customer Owned Service Lines
Galvanized Requiring Replacement00
Non-Lead – Copper143160
Non-Lead – Plastic8683
Non-Lead – Other11617

The full inventory can be found here:
Water Service Lines Inventory – October 2024

Is There Lead in My Water?

DSPUD routinely monitors for lead in the distribution system and the most recent water samples results do not exceed the action level of 0.015 mg/L for lead.

Next Steps

Notices will be mailed to those customers with service lines where the material is unknown.  DSPUD will perform additional investigations to identify the material of these service lines.

If your service line is categorized as unknown material, you can help us identify your service line material:

Additional Resources